Chart Legend

Interactive legend

The Plotly legend is an interactive component providing a visual reference for data series in a chart.

  • Each legend item corresponds to a data trace, with a label and a colored marker representing the trace on the plot.

  • This functionality allows users to isolate and examine specific parts of the chart.

Enable/Disable lines

  • Users can click on legend items to toggle the visibility of the corresponding data series.

    • One-click -> Switch Off/On

    • Double-click -> Isolate/Reset

Interesting setups

Price + Power Law

This visualization isolate only the price and the Power Law Trend Line, in order to figure out immediatly how is the distance from it.

This is and example using the log-log plot enabling only the following items:

  • BTC Time

  • Price

  • Power Law

Price + Sine wave Full Model + "-60%" (Bottom)

This setup isolates the price with the -60% standard deviation (i.e. the bottom) and the sine wave used to very roughly measure Bitcoin's cyclical bubbles.

This is and example on log-linear version, isolating only the following items:

  • BTC Time

  • Price

  • Waves

  • Projection

  • -60%

Price + "-30%" + "+60%"

This visualisation helps to roughly identify buy and sell thresholds using the -30% and +60% levels from the power law trend line.

This is and example on log-linear version, isolating only the following items:

  • BTC Time

  • Price

  • +60%

  • -30%

Now have fun finding your favourite setup! ๐ŸŽ‰


The thresholds and indicators, such as the -30%, +60%, and -60% levels, along with visual tools like the Power Law Trend Line and sine waves, serve as approximate instruments.

They are designed to aid users in managing a structured accumulation plan and identifying potential buy and sell zones.

However, it is crucial to understand that these tools are not definitive financial advice and do not account for all possible market variables.

The primary purpose of these visualizations is to help users focus on the long-term perspective, providing a sense of calm and reassurance that distinguishes a true Bitcoiner.

This approach encourages a mindset that is less concerned with short-term fluctuations and more focused on the enduring potential of Bitcoin.

Always conduct thorough research and consider other factors when making investment decisions, and consult with a financial advisor before making significant financial commitments.

Last updated