Bitcoin Clock Time

Understanding the 'Time' of Bitcoin


Another important tool provided within the interactive chart, is the calculation of Bitcoin Clock Time.

This framework was invented by Giovanni Santostasi to visualise Bitcoin data on a polar co-ordinate graph.

The result is a time advancing clock where one full revolution equals 4 years where the hours of the clock represent critical times:

  • 12 tops

  • 3 bottoms

  • 6 Bear to Bull

  • 9 Full Bull

Within the chart only the calculation of the day in Bitcoin Time is implemented, but following here is the link to the version created by Giovanni Santostasi.

Soon we hope to be able to integrate it into the views offered in the current version, but the actual indication provided already gives unambiguous information about the time by BTC Time label, and thus the phase of the cycle, in which we find ourselves.

Some explanation about the clock:

  • The blue line is the real price on a daily basis.

  • The white line is the Full Model Power Law. Notice that is not an average of the price it is a predictive model that can be written as a simple equation. Pay attention to how closely the price follows the power law model. It is uncanny a simple equation can explain such complex system like Bitcoin but it does (eppur si muove).

  • The little circles are the halvings. They are not all the same place because block are not the same length.

  • The hand is the price at any given time.

Last updated